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neck gaiters


Because protecting your identity is as important as getting you out of harm's way, we made all weather neck gaiters adapted to every situations.

Don't cut short on your security, protect your face when you're out, when you're working, when you're jogging... Cold, wind, dust, blowed back gas or peepers won't get in your way.

Also cool patterns.

historic patterns

Classic beauties, the ones you have always been after but couldn't find at a decent price.

Now in a modern and useful cut, still as rainproof as you can ever be.

Can't go wrong with those.

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OPposing FORce patterns are as unobtainable as they are dashing !

Used to play the aggressors in big exercises and manoeuvers, you can now get these mind boggingly cool and rare camos !

french connection

France always had a knack for awesome patterns but most of what they produced is either drawned in controversy or simply moonrock rare.

We revived some of the best !



You've enjoyed them sitting for a while in front of some storytelling, maybe with a cold one cracked open and a charcuterie board.

Now you can finaly get that camo you've been eyeballing for years and fulfil your nostalgic dreams.

m 05

After a tumultuous start including lawsuits against copies of the pattern, the copyright drifted into the limbo.

Quite a few countries use it and it is always dashing ! We bring unobtainable variants to the table.

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From the other side of the planet, the aussies are coming with everything that wants to kill you.

But no one can deny they cooked hard with their patterns.

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